Source code for kiwipy.rmq.communicator

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import asyncio
import copy
from functools import partial
import logging
import typing
from typing import Dict, Optional, Union

import aio_pika
import shortuuid

import kiwipy

from . import defaults, messages, tasks, utils

__all__ = 'RmqCommunicator', 'async_connect'

_LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# The exchange properties use by the publisher and subscriber.  These have to match
# which is why they're declare her
EXCHANGE_PROPERTIES = {'type': aio_pika.ExchangeType.TOPIC}

class RmqPublisher(messages.BasePublisherWithReplyQueue):
    Publisher for sending a range of message types over RMQ

    async def rpc_send(self, recipient_id, msg):
        routing_key = f'{defaults.RPC_TOPIC}.{recipient_id}'
            'Sending RPC with routing key %r to RMQ queue %r: %r',
        message = aio_pika.Message(body=self._encode(msg),
        published, response_future = await self.publish_expect_response(
            message, routing_key=routing_key, mandatory=True
        assert published, 'The message was not published to the exchanges'
        return response_future

    async def broadcast_send(self, msg, sender=None, subject=None, correlation_id=None):
        message_dict = messages.BroadcastMessage.create(
            'Sending broadcast with routing key %r to RMQ via exchange %r: %r',
        message = aio_pika.Message(
        # Send as mandatory=False because we don't expect the message to be routable to anyone
        return await self.publish(message, routing_key=defaults.BROADCAST_TOPIC, mandatory=False)

class RmqSubscriber:
    Subscriber for receiving a range of messages over RMQ

    # pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes

    def __init__(
        # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments
        Subscribes and listens for process control messages and acts on them
        by calling the corresponding methods of the process manager.

        :param connection: The tokpia connection
        :type connection: :class:`aio_pika.Connection`
        :param message_exchange: The name of the exchange to use
        :param queue_expires: the expiry time for standard queues in milliseconds. This is the time after which, if
            there are no subscribers, a queue will automatically be deleted by RabbitMQ.
        :type queue_expires: int
        :param encoder: The encoder to call for encoding a message
        :param decoder: The decoder to call for decoding a message
        :param testing_mode: Run in testing mode: all queues and exchanges will be temporary

        self._connection = connection
        self._channel = None  # type: typing.Optional[aio_pika.Channel]
        self._exchange = None  # type: typing.Optional[aio_pika.Exchange]
        self._exchange_name = message_exchange
        self._decode = decoder
        self._testing_mode = testing_mode
        self._response_encode = encoder

        self._broadcast_queue_arguments = {'x-message-ttl': defaults.MESSAGE_TTL}

        self._rmq_queue_arguments = {'x-message-ttl': defaults.MESSAGE_TTL}
        if queue_expires:
            self._rmq_queue_arguments['x-expires'] = queue_expires

        self._rpc_subscribers = {}
        self._broadcast_subscribers = {}
        self._broadcast_queue = None  # type: typing.Optional[aio_pika.Queue]
        self._broadcast_consumer_tag = None

    async def add_rpc_subscriber(self, subscriber, identifier=None):
        # Create an RPC queue
        rpc_queue = await self._channel.declare_queue(exclusive=True, arguments=self._rmq_queue_arguments)
            identifier = await rpc_queue.consume(partial(self._on_rpc, subscriber), consumer_tag=identifier)
        except aio_pika.exceptions.DuplicateConsumerTag as exception:
            raise kiwipy.DuplicateSubscriberIdentifier(f"RPC identifier '{identifier}'") from exception
            await rpc_queue.bind(self._exchange, routing_key=f'{defaults.RPC_TOPIC}.{identifier}')
            # Save the queue so we can cancel and unbind later
            self._rpc_subscribers[identifier] = rpc_queue
            return identifier

    async def remove_rpc_subscriber(self, identifier):
            rpc_queue = self._rpc_subscribers.pop(identifier)
        except KeyError as exception:
            raise ValueError(f"Unknown subscriber '{identifier}'") from exception
            await rpc_queue.cancel(identifier)
            await rpc_queue.unbind(self._exchange, routing_key=f'{defaults.RPC_TOPIC}.{identifier}')

    async def add_broadcast_subscriber(self, subscriber, identifier=None):
        identifier = identifier or shortuuid.uuid()
        if identifier in self._broadcast_subscribers:
            raise kiwipy.DuplicateSubscriberIdentifier(f"Broadcast identifier '{identifier}'")

        self._broadcast_subscribers[identifier] = subscriber
        if self._broadcast_consumer_tag is None:
            # Consume on the broadcast queue
            self._broadcast_consumer_tag = await self._broadcast_queue.consume(self._on_broadcast)
        return identifier

    async def remove_broadcast_subscriber(self, identifier):
            del self._broadcast_subscribers[identifier]
        except KeyError as exception:
            raise ValueError(f"Broadcast subscriber '{identifier}' unknown") from exception
        if not self._broadcast_subscribers:
            await self._broadcast_queue.cancel(self._broadcast_consumer_tag)
            self._broadcast_consumer_tag = None

    def channel(self):
        return self._channel

    async def connect(self):
        """Get a channel and set up all the exchanges/queues we need"""
        if self._channel:
            # Already connected

        exchange_params = copy.copy(EXCHANGE_PROPERTIES)

        if self._testing_mode:
            exchange_params.setdefault('auto_delete', self._testing_mode)

        self._channel = await
        self._exchange = await self._channel.declare_exchange(name=self._exchange_name, **exchange_params)

        await self._create_broadcast_queue()

    async def _create_broadcast_queue(self):
        Create and bind the broadcast queue

        One is used for all broadcasts on this exchange
        # Create a new such that we can see this is the broadcast queue
        name = f'broadcast-{shortuuid.uuid()}'
        self._broadcast_queue = await self._channel.declare_queue(
            name=name, exclusive=True, arguments=self._broadcast_queue_arguments
        await self._broadcast_queue.bind(self._exchange, routing_key=defaults.BROADCAST_TOPIC)

    async def disconnect(self):
        await self._channel.close()
        self._exchange = None
        self._channel = None

    async def _on_rpc(self, subscriber, message):
        :param subscriber: the subscriber function or coroutine that will get the RPC message
        :param message: the RMQ message
        :type message: :class:`aio_pika.IncomingMessage`
        async with message.process(ignore_processed=True):
            # Tell the sender that we've dealt with it
            await message.ack()
            msg = self._decode(message.body)

                receiver = utils.ensure_coroutine(subscriber)
                result = await receiver(self, msg)
            except Exception as exc:  # pylint: disable=broad-except
                # We had an exception in  calling the receiver
                await self._send_response(message.reply_to, message.correlation_id, utils.exception_response(exc))
                if asyncio.isfuture(result):
                    await self._send_future_response(result, message.reply_to, message.correlation_id)
                    # All good, send the response out
                    await self._send_response(message.reply_to, message.correlation_id, utils.result_response(result))

    async def _on_broadcast(self, message):
        async with message.process():
            msg = self._decode(message.body)
            for receiver in self._broadcast_subscribers.values():
                    receiver = utils.ensure_coroutine(receiver)
                    await receiver(
                        self, msg[messages.BroadcastMessage.BODY], msg[messages.BroadcastMessage.SENDER],
                        msg[messages.BroadcastMessage.SUBJECT], msg[messages.BroadcastMessage.CORRELATION_ID]
                except Exception:  # pylint: disable=broad-except
                    _LOGGER.exception('Exception in broadcast receiver')

    async def _send_future_response(self, future, reply_to, correlation_id):
        The RPC call returned a future which means we need to send a pending response
        and send a further message when the future resolves.  If it resolves to another future
        we should send out a further pending response and so on.

        :param future: the future from the RPC call
        :type future: :class:`asyncio.Future`
        :param reply_to: the recipient
        :param correlation_id: the correlation id
            # Keep looping in case we're in a situation where a future resolves to a future etc.
            while asyncio.isfuture(future):
                # Send out a message saying that we're waiting for a future to complete
                await self._send_response(reply_to, correlation_id, utils.pending_response())
                future = await future
        except kiwipy.CancelledError as exc:
            # Send out a cancelled response
            await self._send_response(reply_to, correlation_id, utils.cancelled_response(str(exc)))
        except Exception as exc:  # pylint: disable=broad-except
            # Send out an exception response
            await self._send_response(reply_to, correlation_id, utils.exception_response(exc))
            # We have a final result so send that as the response
            await self._send_response(reply_to, correlation_id, utils.result_response(future))

    async def _send_response(self, reply_to, correlation_id, response):
        assert reply_to, 'Must provide an identifier for the recipient'

        message = aio_pika.Message(body=self._response_encode(response), correlation_id=correlation_id)
        result = await self._exchange.publish(message, routing_key=reply_to)
        return result

[docs]class RmqCommunicator: """ An asynchronous communicator that relies on aio_pika to make a connection to a RabbitMQ server and uses an asyncio event loop for scheduling coroutines and callbacks. """ # pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes _connection = None _message_subscriber = None _message_publisher = None _default_task_queue = None # type: Optional[tasks.RmqTaskQueue] def __init__( self, connection: aio_pika.Connection, # Messages message_exchange: str = defaults.MESSAGE_EXCHANGE, queue_expires: int = defaults.QUEUE_EXPIRES, # Tasks task_exchange: str = defaults.TASK_EXCHANGE, task_queue: str = defaults.TASK_QUEUE, task_prefetch_size=defaults.TASK_PREFETCH_SIZE, task_prefetch_count=defaults.TASK_PREFETCH_COUNT, encoder=defaults.ENCODER, decoder=defaults.DECODER, testing_mode=False ): # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments """Create a new asynchronous communicator. .. note: this communicator takes ownership of the connection and, therefore, it should not be shared as when this communicator disconnects it will also hang up the connection. :param connection: An aio_pika connection, doesn't need to be connected :param message_exchange: The name of the RMQ message exchange to use :param queue_expires: the expiry time for standard queues in milliseconds. This is the time after which, if there are no subscribers, a queue will automatically be deleted by RabbitMQ. :param task_exchange: The name of the RMQ task exchange to use :param task_queue: The name of the task queue to use :param task_prefetch_count: the number of tasks this communicator can fetch simultaneously :param task_prefetch_size: the total size of the messages that the default queue can fetch simultaneously :param encoder: The encoder to call for encoding a message :param decoder: The decoder to call for decoding a message :param testing_mode: Run in testing mode: all queues and exchanges will be temporary """ super().__init__() self._connection = connection self._loop = connection.loop # Save some of these settings for later self._message_exchange = message_exchange self._queue_expires = queue_expires # Default tasks queue self._task_exchange = task_exchange self._task_queue = task_queue self._task_prefetch_size = task_prefetch_size self._task_prefetch_count = task_prefetch_count self._task_queues = [] self._decoder = decoder self._encoder = encoder self._testing_mode = testing_mode async def __aenter__(self): await self.connect() return self async def __aexit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): await self.disconnect() def __str__(self): return f'RMQCommunicator({self._connection})' @property def server_properties(self) -> Dict: """ A dictionary containing server properties as returned by the RMQ server at connection time. The details are defined by the RMQ standard and can be found here: The protocol states that this dictionary SHOULD contain at least: 'host' - specifying the server host name or address 'product' - giving the name of the server product 'version' - giving the name of the server version 'platform' - giving the name of the operating system 'copyright' - if appropriate, and, 'information' - giving other general information .. note:: In testing it seems like 'host' is not always returned. Host information may be found in 'cluster_name' but clients shouldn't rely on this. :return: the server properties dictionary """ if self._connection is None: return {} return self._connection.transport.connection.server_properties @property def loop(self): """Get the event loop instance driving this communicator connection.""" return self._connection.loop
[docs] def add_close_callback(self, callback:, weak: bool = False) -> None: """Add a callable to be called each time (after) the connection is closed. :param weak: If True, the callback will be added to a `WeakSet` """ self._connection.close_callbacks.add(callback, weak)
[docs] async def get_default_task_queue(self) -> tasks.RmqTaskQueue: """Get a default task queue. If one doesn't exist it will be created as part of this call. """ self._ensure_connected() if self._default_task_queue is None: task_queue = tasks.RmqTaskQueue( self._connection, exchange_name=self._task_exchange, queue_name=self._task_queue, decoder=self._decoder, encoder=self._encoder, prefetch_size=self._task_prefetch_size, prefetch_count=self._task_prefetch_count, testing_mode=self._testing_mode ) await task_queue.connect() self._default_task_queue = task_queue return self._default_task_queue
[docs] async def get_message_subscriber(self) -> RmqSubscriber: """Get the message subscriber. If one doesn't exist it will be created as part of this call. """ self._ensure_connected() if self._message_subscriber is None: subscriber = RmqSubscriber( self._connection, message_exchange=self._message_exchange, queue_expires=self._queue_expires, encoder=self._encoder, decoder=self._decoder, testing_mode=self._testing_mode ) await subscriber.connect() self._message_subscriber = subscriber return self._message_subscriber
[docs] async def get_message_publisher(self) -> RmqPublisher: """Get a message publisher. If one doesn't exist it will be created as part of this call. """ self._ensure_connected() if self._message_publisher is None: publisher = RmqPublisher( self._connection, exchange_name=self._message_exchange, encoder=self._encoder, decoder=self._decoder, testing_mode=self._testing_mode ) await publisher.connect() self._message_publisher = publisher return self._message_publisher
[docs] def connected(self) -> bool: return self._connection is not None and not self._connection.is_closed
[docs] async def connect(self): """Establish a connection if not already connected.""" if not self.connected(): await self._connection.connect()
[docs] async def disconnect(self): """Disconnect from the connection if connected.""" if not self.connected(): return if self._message_publisher is not None: await self._message_publisher.disconnect() self._message_publisher = None if self._message_subscriber is not None: await self._message_subscriber.disconnect() self._message_subscriber = None if self._default_task_queue is not None: await self._default_task_queue.disconnect() self._default_task_queue = None await self._connection.close()
[docs] async def add_rpc_subscriber(self, subscriber, identifier=None): msg_subscriber = await self.get_message_subscriber() identifier = await msg_subscriber.add_rpc_subscriber(subscriber, identifier) return identifier
[docs] async def remove_rpc_subscriber(self, identifier): msg_subscriber = await self.get_message_subscriber() await msg_subscriber.remove_rpc_subscriber(identifier)
[docs] async def add_task_subscriber(self, subscriber, identifier=None): default_task_queue = await self.get_default_task_queue() return await default_task_queue.add_task_subscriber(subscriber, identifier)
[docs] async def remove_task_subscriber(self, identifier): default_task_queue = await self.get_default_task_queue() await default_task_queue.remove_task_subscriber(identifier)
[docs] async def add_broadcast_subscriber(self, subscriber, identifier=None): msg_subscriber = await self.get_message_subscriber() identifier = await msg_subscriber.add_broadcast_subscriber(subscriber, identifier) return identifier
[docs] async def remove_broadcast_subscriber(self, identifier): msg_subscriber = await self.get_message_subscriber() await msg_subscriber.remove_broadcast_subscriber(identifier)
[docs] async def rpc_send(self, recipient_id, msg): """Initiate a remote procedure call on a recipient. :param recipient_id: The recipient identifier :param msg: The body of the message :return: A future corresponding to the outcome of the call """ try: publisher = await self.get_message_publisher() response_future = await publisher.rpc_send(recipient_id, msg) return response_future except aio_pika.exceptions.DeliveryError as exception: raise kiwipy.UnroutableError(str(exception))
[docs] async def broadcast_send(self, body, sender=None, subject=None, correlation_id=None): publisher = await self.get_message_publisher() result = await publisher.broadcast_send(body, sender, subject, correlation_id) return result
[docs] async def task_send(self, task, no_reply=False): try: task_queue = await self.get_default_task_queue() result = await task_queue.task_send(task, no_reply) return result except aio_pika.exceptions.DeliveryError as exception: raise kiwipy.UnroutableError(str(exception)) except aio_pika.exceptions.AMQPError as exception: # Find out what the exception is when a nack is generated! raise kiwipy.TaskRejected(str(exception))
[docs] async def task_queue( self, queue_name: str, prefetch_size=defaults.TASK_PREFETCH_SIZE, prefetch_count=defaults.TASK_PREFETCH_COUNT ) -> tasks.RmqTaskQueue: """Create a new task queue.""" queue = tasks.RmqTaskQueue( self._connection, exchange_name=self._task_exchange, queue_name=queue_name, decoder=self._decoder, encoder=self._encoder, prefetch_size=prefetch_size, prefetch_count=prefetch_count, testing_mode=self._testing_mode ) await queue.connect() self._task_queues.append(queue) return queue
[docs] def _ensure_connected(self): if not self.connected(): raise RuntimeError( 'The communicator is not connected, call connect() or use in a context to establish a connection.' )
[docs]async def async_connect( # Connection parameters connection_params: Union[str, dict] = None, connection_factory=aio_pika.connect_robust, # Messages message_exchange: str = defaults.MESSAGE_EXCHANGE, queue_expires: int = defaults.QUEUE_EXPIRES, # Tasks task_exchange: str = defaults.TASK_EXCHANGE, task_queue: str = defaults.TASK_QUEUE, task_prefetch_size=defaults.TASK_PREFETCH_SIZE, task_prefetch_count=defaults.TASK_PREFETCH_COUNT, encoder=defaults.ENCODER, decoder=defaults.DECODER, testing_mode=False, ) -> RmqCommunicator: # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments """Convenience method that returns a connected communicator. :param connection_params: parameters that will be passed to the connection factory to create the connection :param connection_factory: the factory method to open the aio_pika connection with :param message_exchange: The name of the RMQ message exchange to use :param queue_expires: the expiry time for standard queues in milliseconds. This is the time after which, if there are no subscribers, a queue will automatically be deleted by RabbitMQ. :param task_exchange: The name of the RMQ task exchange to use :param task_queue: The name of the task queue to use :param task_prefetch_count: the number of tasks this communicator can fetch simultaneously :param task_prefetch_size: the total size of the messages that the default queue can fetch simultaneously :param encoder: The encoder to call for encoding a message :param decoder: The decoder to call for decoding a message :param testing_mode: Run in testing mode: all queues and exchanges will be temporary """ connection_params = connection_params or {} if isinstance(connection_params, dict): connection = await connection_factory(**connection_params) else: connection = await connection_factory(connection_params) communicator = RmqCommunicator( connection=connection, # Messages message_exchange=message_exchange, queue_expires=queue_expires, # Tasks task_exchange=task_exchange, task_queue=task_queue, task_prefetch_size=task_prefetch_size, task_prefetch_count=task_prefetch_count, encoder=encoder, decoder=decoder, testing_mode=testing_mode ) await communicator.connect() return communicator