Source code for kiwipy.rmq.threadcomms

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import asyncio
import concurrent.futures
from concurrent.futures import Future as ThreadFuture
from contextlib import contextmanager
import functools
import logging
from typing import Dict, Union

import aio_pika
import deprecation
import pamqp
from pytray import aiothreads

import kiwipy
from kiwipy import __version__

from . import communicator, defaults, tasks

__all__ = 'RmqThreadCommunicator', 'RmqThreadTaskQueue', 'connect'

_LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class RmqThreadCommunicator(kiwipy.Communicator): """ RabbitMQ communicator that runs an event loop on a separate thread to do communication. This also means that heartbeats are not missed and the main program is free to block for as long as it wants. """ TASK_TIMEOUT = 5.
[docs] @classmethod def connect( cls, connection_params: Union[str, dict] = None, connection_factory=aio_pika.connect_robust, message_exchange=defaults.MESSAGE_EXCHANGE, task_exchange=defaults.TASK_EXCHANGE, task_queue=defaults.TASK_QUEUE, task_prefetch_size=defaults.TASK_PREFETCH_SIZE, task_prefetch_count=defaults.TASK_PREFETCH_COUNT, encoder=defaults.ENCODER, decoder=defaults.DECODER, testing_mode=False, async_task_timeout=TASK_TIMEOUT, ): # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments comm = cls( connection_params, connection_factory, message_exchange=message_exchange, task_exchange=task_exchange, task_queue=task_queue, task_prefetch_size=task_prefetch_size, task_prefetch_count=task_prefetch_count, encoder=encoder, decoder=decoder, testing_mode=testing_mode, async_task_timeout=async_task_timeout ) # Start the communicator return comm
def __init__( self, connection_params: Union[str, dict] = None, connection_factory=aio_pika.connect_robust, message_exchange: str = defaults.MESSAGE_EXCHANGE, queue_expires: int = defaults.QUEUE_EXPIRES, task_exchange=defaults.TASK_EXCHANGE, task_queue: str = defaults.TASK_QUEUE, task_prefetch_size=defaults.TASK_PREFETCH_SIZE, task_prefetch_count=defaults.TASK_PREFETCH_COUNT, encoder=defaults.ENCODER, decoder=defaults.DECODER, testing_mode=False, async_task_timeout=TASK_TIMEOUT, ): # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments """ :param connection_params: parameters that will be passed to the connection factory to create the connection :param connection_factory: the factory method to open the aio_pika connection with :param message_exchange: The name of the RMQ message exchange to use :param queue_expires: the expiry time for standard queues in milliseconds. This is the time after which, if there are no subscribers, a queue will automatically be deleted by RabbitMQ. :param task_exchange: The name of the RMQ task exchange to use :param task_queue: The name of the task queue to use :param task_prefetch_count: the number of tasks this communicator can fetch simultaneously :param task_prefetch_size: the total size of the messages that the default queue can fetch simultaneously :param encoder: The encoder to call for encoding a message :param decoder: The decoder to call for decoding a message :param testing_mode: Run in testing mode: all queues and exchanges will be temporary """ # Always use a separate loop self._loop = asyncio.new_event_loop() self._loop.set_debug(testing_mode) self._loop_scheduler = aiothreads.LoopScheduler(self._loop, 'RMQ communicator', async_task_timeout) self._stop_signal = None self._closed = False self._loop_scheduler.start() # Star the loop scheduler (i.e. the event loop thread) # Establish the connection and get a communicator running on our thread self._communicator: communicator.RmqCommunicator = self._loop_scheduler.await_( communicator.async_connect( connection_params=connection_params, connection_factory=connection_factory, # Messages message_exchange=message_exchange, queue_expires=queue_expires, # Tasks task_exchange=task_exchange, task_queue=task_queue, task_prefetch_size=task_prefetch_size, task_prefetch_count=task_prefetch_count, encoder=encoder, decoder=decoder, testing_mode=testing_mode ) )
[docs] @deprecation.deprecated( deprecated_in='0.6.0', removed_in='0.7.0', current_version=__version__, details='This method was deprecated in v0.6.0 and will be removed in 0.7.0. There is no ' "replacement and the class should be reinstantiated if it's been closed." ) def start(self): # pylint: disable=no-self-use raise DeprecationWarning( 'This method was deprecated in v0.6.0 and will be removed in 0.7.0. There is no ' "replacement and the class should be reinstantiated if it's been closed." )
[docs] @deprecation.deprecated( deprecated_in='0.6.0', removed_in='0.7.0', current_version=__version__, details='Use close() instead. Unlike stop(), close() is permanent and ' 'the class should not be used again after this.' ) def stop(self): self.close()
@property def server_properties(self) -> Dict: """ A dictionary containing server properties as returned by the RMQ server at connection time. The details are defined by the RMQ standard and can be found here: The protocol states that this dictionary SHOULD contain at least: 'host' - specifying the server host name or address 'product' - giving the name of the server product 'version' - giving the name of the server version 'platform' - giving the name of the operating system 'copyright' - if appropriate, and, 'information' - giving other general information .. note:: In testing it seems like 'host' is not always returned. Host information may be found in 'cluster_name' but clients shouldn't rely on this. :return: the server properties dictionary """ return self._communicator.server_properties def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): self.close()
[docs] def loop(self): return self._loop_scheduler.loop()
[docs] def is_closed(self) -> bool: return self._closed
[docs] def close(self): """Close down the communicator and clean up all resources. After this call it cannot be used again. """ if self.is_closed(): return self._loop_scheduler.await_(self._communicator.disconnect()) self._loop_scheduler.close() self._loop.close() # Clean up del self._communicator del self._loop_scheduler del self._loop self._closed = True
[docs] def add_close_callback(self, callback:, weak: bool = False) -> None: """Add a callable to be called each time (after) the connection is closed. :param weak: If True, the callback will be added to a `WeakSet` """ self._ensure_open() self._communicator.add_close_callback(callback, weak)
[docs] def add_rpc_subscriber(self, subscriber, identifier=None): self._ensure_open() return self._loop_scheduler.await_( self._communicator.add_rpc_subscriber(self._wrap_subscriber(subscriber), identifier) )
[docs] def remove_rpc_subscriber(self, identifier): self._ensure_open() return self._loop_scheduler.await_(self._communicator.remove_rpc_subscriber(identifier))
[docs] def add_task_subscriber(self, subscriber, identifier=None): self._ensure_open() return self._loop_scheduler.await_( self._communicator.add_task_subscriber(self._wrap_subscriber(subscriber), identifier) )
[docs] def remove_task_subscriber(self, identifier): self._ensure_open() return self._loop_scheduler.await_(self._communicator.remove_task_subscriber(identifier))
[docs] def add_broadcast_subscriber(self, subscriber, identifier=None): self._ensure_open() return self._loop_scheduler.await_(self._communicator.add_broadcast_subscriber(subscriber, identifier))
[docs] def remove_broadcast_subscriber(self, identifier): self._ensure_open() return self._loop_scheduler.await_(self._communicator.remove_broadcast_subscriber(identifier))
[docs] def task_send(self, task, no_reply=False): self._ensure_open() return self._loop_scheduler.await_(self._communicator.task_send(task, no_reply))
[docs] def task_queue( self, queue_name: str, prefetch_size=defaults.TASK_PREFETCH_SIZE, prefetch_count=defaults.TASK_PREFETCH_COUNT ): self._ensure_open() aioqueue = self._loop_scheduler.await_(self._communicator.task_queue(queue_name, prefetch_size, prefetch_count)) return RmqThreadTaskQueue(aioqueue, self._loop_scheduler, self._wrap_subscriber)
[docs] def rpc_send(self, recipient_id, msg): self._ensure_open() return self._loop_scheduler.await_(self._communicator.rpc_send(recipient_id, msg))
[docs] def broadcast_send(self, body, sender=None, subject=None, correlation_id=None): self._ensure_open() result = self._loop_scheduler.await_( self._communicator.broadcast_send(body=body, sender=sender, subject=subject, correlation_id=correlation_id) ) return isinstance(result, pamqp.commands.Basic.Ack)
[docs] def _wrap_subscriber(self, subscriber): """" We need to convert any kiwipy.Futures we get from a subscriber call into asyncio ones for the event loop based communicator. Do this by wrapping any subscriber methods and intercepting the return values. """ @functools.wraps(subscriber) def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): result = subscriber(*args, **kwargs) if isinstance(result, ThreadFuture): result = self._wrap_future(result) return result return wrapper
[docs] def _wrap_future(self, kiwi_future: kiwipy.Future): aio_future = self._loop.create_future() def done(_): try: result = kiwi_future.result() except concurrent.futures.CancelledError: self._loop.call_soon_threadsafe(aio_future.cancel) except Exception as exc: # pylint: disable=broad-except self._loop.call_soon_threadsafe(aio_future.set_exception, exc) else: if isinstance(result, kiwipy.Future): result = self._wrap_future(result) self._loop.call_soon_threadsafe(aio_future.set_result, result) kiwi_future.add_done_callback(done) return aio_future
[docs] def _ensure_open(self): if self.is_closed(): raise kiwipy.CommunicatorClosed
[docs]class RmqThreadTaskQueue: """ Thread task queue. """ def __init__(self, task_queue: tasks.RmqTaskQueue, loop_scheduler: aiothreads.LoopScheduler, wrap_subscriber): self._task_queue = task_queue self._loop_scheduler = loop_scheduler self._wrap_subscriber = wrap_subscriber def __iter__(self): for task in self._loop_scheduler.async_iter(self._task_queue): yield RmqThreadIncomingTask(task, self._loop_scheduler)
[docs] def task_send(self, task, no_reply=False): return self._loop_scheduler.await_(self._task_queue.task_send(task, no_reply))
[docs] def add_task_subscriber(self, subscriber): return self._loop_scheduler.await_(self._task_queue.add_task_subscriber(self._wrap_subscriber(subscriber)))
[docs] def remove_task_subscriber(self, subscriber): # Note: This probably doesn't work as in add_task_subscriber we wrap it and so # it will be a different function here return self._loop_scheduler.await_(self._task_queue.remove_task_subscriber(subscriber))
[docs] @contextmanager def next_task(self, timeout=5., fail=True): with self._loop_scheduler.async_ctx(self._task_queue.next_task(timeout=timeout, fail=fail)) as task: yield RmqThreadIncomingTask(task, self._loop_scheduler)
class RmqThreadIncomingTask: def __init__(self, task: tasks.RmqIncomingTask, loop_scheduler): self._task = task self._loop_scheduler = loop_scheduler @property def body(self) -> str: return self._task.body @property def no_reply(self) -> bool: return self._task.no_reply @property def state(self) -> str: return self._task.state def process(self) -> ThreadFuture: return aiothreads.aio_future_to_thread(self._task.process()) def requeue(self): """Requeue the task. This call is blocking and by the time function returns the task will be back in the queue. """ self._loop_scheduler.await_(self._task.requeue()) @contextmanager def processing(self): with self._loop_scheduler.async_ctx(self._task.processing()) as outcome: yield outcome
[docs]def connect( connection_params: Union[str, dict] = None, connection_factory=aio_pika.connect_robust, message_exchange=defaults.MESSAGE_EXCHANGE, task_exchange=defaults.TASK_EXCHANGE, task_queue=defaults.TASK_QUEUE, task_prefetch_size=defaults.TASK_PREFETCH_SIZE, task_prefetch_count=defaults.TASK_PREFETCH_COUNT, encoder=defaults.ENCODER, decoder=defaults.DECODER, testing_mode=False, ) -> RmqThreadCommunicator: """ Establish a RabbitMQ communicator connection """ # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments _communicator = RmqThreadCommunicator.connect( connection_params=connection_params, connection_factory=connection_factory, message_exchange=message_exchange, task_exchange=task_exchange, task_queue=task_queue, task_prefetch_size=task_prefetch_size, task_prefetch_count=task_prefetch_count, encoder=encoder, decoder=decoder, testing_mode=testing_mode ) return _communicator